His Message must be shared 

Ministry News

uplifting & informative

From time to time, we’ll share a great word that’s on our hearts. Other times we’ll report on a past or upcoming event. In any case, stay tuned, so you are in the know with Thompson Ministries. 

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A Good Word
Terry Murphy

Someone Watching Your back? We are here.

Can the Pastor Spiritually Protect Me?Remember, a covering hides conceals and protects. Can our church leadersdo this for us? How can they? First of all, that is not their responsibility.Second,

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man holding book
A Good Word
Charles Thompson

Knowledge is Power

We believe not only in reading the infallible word of God, the Bible, but we
also encourage those to read books to help them grow spiritually.

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As a non-profit organization, we depend on the kindness and generosity of others to do the work of God and spread the gospel. 

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