
With Thompson Ministries

Prophetic, Dreams & Deliverance Training

Thompson Ministries offers training to churches that dive into the Prophetic, Dreams & Interpretation of Dreams, and Deliverance to leaders and those who want to learn more about the ministry of Jesus. Thompson Ministries has training manuals and offers activation.

Deliverance is called “the children’s bread (Matt.15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30). Which means it is for God’s own sons and daughters, purchased by the blood of Jesus. Therefore, a distinction IS made as to who is qualified for deliverance. It is for God’s children — believers.


This is an image of a woman smiling with an open bible.

This is an intense 90-day program (thirteen weeks) for women who want to fully commit to the program where God will move in every area of their lives. This program is for all ages and statuses, as God is not limiting any woman. You must be fully committed to 90 days, meeting weekly, and doing all assignments and homework. You cannot miss more than two gatherings, whether it is virtual or in person. You must be on time. There will be three dates for gathering with your group. Once in the beginning (orientation), the middle of the program, and the end. There is a $100.00 registration fee, and you must purchase your book. This program is intensive, and there is deliverance during your journey. If this is what you are looking for, please pray and be sure God leads you.

Purchase the book here: Becoming the Woman I want to Be

Register Here! 

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