Someone Watching Your back? We are here.

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Can the Pastor Spiritually Protect Me?
Remember, a covering hides conceals and protects. Can our church leaders
do this for us? How can they? First of all, that is not their responsibility.
Second, is it within their power to do so except through prayer?
The effective and impassioned prayers of the righteous will prevail. Can they
protect us from the attacks of the enemy, Satan? Again, not outside of
worship! And then they are not exempt from Satan’s wiles, especially if
their lives are not circumspect. Does obedience to them personally open
doors of blessings, and not obeying close the windows of heaven and open us
up to demonic attack? Where is that in the bible? These sound like attributes
that belong to God alone, doesn’t it? In truth, God is the one who protects
and shields us as we pray for one another. If an individual or congregation is
under demonic oppression, according to God’s Word, they may have sin in
their midst and may not be praying for each other as they should.
For this, we have your back and will spiritually cover you as church leaders.


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The Gifts of the Spirt

Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed, “and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

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Knowledge is Power

We believe not only in reading the infallible word of God, the Bible, but we
also encourage those to read books to help them grow spiritually.

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